About Bersin by Deloitte

Bersin by Deloitte is a subscription based service that delivers research and strategies to the HR professional



Some customers aren't revisiting the site due to their inability to distinguish between new and old research or pinpoint research tailored to their interests. Consequently, this leads to decreased engagement on the site, particularly in the forums, and an increase in membership cancellations.


  • Entice the customer to return to the site more often by designing a notification center that presents the user with new research based on their preferences.
  • Retain existing members and drive new subscriptions.

Action/design process

  • Develop a minimal viable product, conduct further research and add features based on customer feedback.
  • I conducted research on notifications — where they help the user and where they can be annoying.


  • Early research showed a 10% increase in website participation. I have no feedback on membership renewal. We also recieved feedback via the forums and help tickets — customers responded very positively.


Deloitte, San Francisco CA

My role

UX Designer


Product owner, developer, content strategist and UX designer


Adobe Illustrator

Four sprints — 20 days




Problem Statement • Research • Features for MVP

Problem statement

Some customers aren't revisiting the site due to their inability to distinguish between new and old research or pinpoint research tailored to their interests. Consequently, this leads to decreased engagement on the site, particularly in the forums, and an increase in membership cancellations.

What makes a good notification?

Whiteboard exercise

  • Most recent: Position top
  • Urgency: Use color
  • Unread/Read: Differentiate by contrast
  • Notification types/Filtering options
    • System – resetting passwords, updates
    • User generated – messaging, social media posts, likes, and comments
    • Context generated – location based, calendar
    • Push notifications – pushed by the server rather than by a request from the client
    • Passive notification – weather update, no action required
    • Smart notifications – system can sense user interaction level
  • Anatomy of a notification
    • Title/Message
    • Source/Type of message
    • Urgency
    • Actions

Features for MVP

After presenting to the group we decided to move forward with the folowing features.

  • Sort by date: New notifications at top
  • Grouping: Group notifications older than a day – This Week, Last Week, Previous
  • No urgency or user action required as these notifications are passive in nature
  • User deletable

Features for future release

  • Pop-up notifications
  • Sound alert
  • User settings: Allow users to snooze or pause notifications

Ongoing testing

  • We should track customer interaction or feedback to make sure notifications stay relevant
  • Does the copy, format and frequency of notifications drive the desired action?
  • Do the notifications drive readership and participation with the site?
  • How much time passes between sending the notification and the user’s return to the site?
  • How long before users act on a notification?
  • Are the notifications annoying to the user, how about the frequency of notifications?

Notification model

Notification model


Wireframes • Specifications



Design explorations

Final design



10% increase in website participation. I have no feedback on membership renewal. We also recieved feedback via the forums and help tickets — customers responded very positively.

Some customers aren't revisiting the site due to their inability to distinguish between new and old research or pinpoint research tailored to their interests. Consequently, this leads to decreased engagement on the site, particularly in the forums, and an increase in membership cancellations.